Sunday, July 22, 2007

Follow The Drinking Gourd

Follow The Drinking Gourd

This post is actually written by Caleb's Mom :)

Caleb hasn't read this book yet but I read it to the younger children. It's the story of how one man, Peg Leg Joe, went from farm to farm teaching the slaves a song with a cryptic message: "Follow the Drinking Gourd". The drinking gourd was the little dipper, which pointed to the North star.

By following it, and the other directions in the song, they were able to escape to freedom. Along the way they were assisted by white and black people, including former slaves, who put their own lives and freedom on the line to help others.

It's a wonderful story to introduce this part of history to a young child.

1 comment:

Joel Bresler said...

Hi, I invite you to visit my website on the song,

I hope you enjoy it!
