Farmer Boy
I'm going to tell you about a book called Farmer Boy. It was written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and it was about a boy named Almanzo Wilder. This boy lived on a farm and he was also a very good help to his Dad, like just about all kids are. And also, he just loved farming. And usually he was very hungry. Sometimes he ate rye 'n injun bread. Other times he ate other stuff like turkey, bacon, pie, ham, and pumpkins.
Sometimes Almanzo helped spread the seeds while his Father spread the other seeds that were harder to spread. He liked to brush the colts and horses, he also liked to drive the two horses, his Father let him, named Bess and Beauty. And also, he helped harvest the food. He also helped with the wolf that came after the sheep. He even bought a little pig he named Lucy.
p.s. I won't tell you the end, it's a secret. You can get Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder on
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