Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Where The Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows is a very happy book, and near the end it is sad. You will like the all the adventures of this boy named Billy and his dogs Little Ann and Old Dan. The dogs are hounds. I read the book and I enjoyed it. My Mom read parts of the book to me. And there was a contest about who got the most raccoon hides, or skins. And Billy and his dogs won jackpot money, a gold cup, and a silver cup.

Note from Mom:Somehow I missed Where the Red Fern Grows while I was growing up, and so it was a real joy to read it with Caleb. Billy learns some important lessons about life and love and what's truly important in this classic coming of age novel. We're looking forward to seeing the movie now to see how it compares.

Buy Where the Red Fern Grows on Amazon.com. Just click on the picture!

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