Sunday, January 22, 2006

First Human Body Encyclopedia

The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia teaches you about your body and the food that you need. I like to read it, usually at night. One thing I learned is that your body temperature should not be higher or lower than 98.6 F. The skull is made up of 22 parts. Babies have more bones than adults. The bones join up together and become fewer bones.

Note from Mom: Caleb is using the Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia for his Health/Science book right now. He loves reading it and often shares what he's learning with me and his siblings. The sections are nice and short and great for reading and discussion. The 3 year old and 5 year old even enjoy looking at the pictures and they ask me questions about the body.

The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia (Kingfisher First Reference)

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