Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Story of the World- Susan Bauer

I especially like the hanging gardens of Babylon and I liked all the stuff about Assyria. It was cool. I liked it. The Assyrians were very violent. People were afraid of them. And I liked Hatshepsut the woman Pharaoh. And Hatshepsut didn't conquer any countries. And so people liked Hatshepsut. She pretended to be a man.

Alexander the Great treated people royally. He didn't burn down houses when he conquered a country. And he treated the royal families well. He let them stay in their palaces and live.

The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer

Note from Mom:
This is the book I am using to teach Caleb History. It is recommended by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer in their book "The Well Trained Mind". I am enjoying it as much as Caleb is! He often wants to read more than one chapter in a sitting. The Story of the World also has an activity book that can be purchased separately.

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