Don't Laugh At Me is a book about children that nobody wants to play with and that people laugh at. One boy has glasses, one girl has braces, one boy is in a wheelchair. And there is a kid on the playground who is always chosen last and who is slower than the others in the class.
The message this book is trying to say is not to laugh at people that are unusual. Because nobody likes being laughed at. Would YOU like being laughed at?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Don't Laugh At Me
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7:09 AM
The Mice of Nibbling Village
The Mice of Nibbling Village is a book of poems. One of my favorites is "Morrikin". It's about a mouse who wants to be an engineer. Once he took apart a clock and tried to build a new one. The book is about a community of mice.
The Mice of Nibbling Village has really cool illustrations. It shows the mice doing all sorts of different things. Eating peas, reading books, sewing, cleaning, and making bread.
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7:05 AM
The Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Money
The Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Money
This book is about the cubs and how some people spoil them - and sometimes they got money as a present or for doing a chore, and they were just spending it all.
Their Papa got upset, he shouted: "You must think I'm made of money!" And he also said: "You must think money grows on trees!". The Bears had to learn that they should save their money and that there is more to life than earning and spending money.
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7:02 AM
Labels: Berenstain Bears
The Berenstain Bears And The Sitter
The Berenstain Bears and The Sitter is a book about Mrs. Grizzle, who babysits Brother and Sister Bear. At first they didn't like the idea of having a sitter, especially when they found out it was Mrs. Grizzle! But then they played lots of games. They played Cat's Cradle, Go Fish and Tiddlywinks.
I'm not going to tell you the end, it's a surprise. You can see if the Bears changed their mind about the Sitter.
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6:58 AM
Labels: Berenstain Bears
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Quick Kids Rooms Organizing Tips
Quick Kids Rooms Organizing Tips
The time has come for all good mommies to come to the aid of their kids. Organizing their room can be a bit chaotic. Kids accumulate so many toys, games, dolls and stuff animals that you hardly know where to put everything. Fortunately, here are quick kid’s rooms organizing tips for you to use as a guide.
Depending upon the type of furniture in their rooms, you may want to add a few more pieces that will turn the chaos into calm. Today, there are more unique and colorful bins and containers for kids than ever before. In addition, your kids will probably be even more excited to help you organize their rooms, especially if it’s new and shiny!
If your son or daughter has been collecting stuffed animals or toy soldiers, planes, or dolls; you can buy wall boxes. Affordable priced, they can be hung vertically or horizontally and make for a great showpiece in your child’s room. Moreover, all the toys will be relegated to one area of the room.
Another wonderful item is a large container featuring swivel casters and handles. This would be a great and inexpensive method for your children to pick up their toys by wheeling the container around the room. It will also be useful when transporting their toys to the family room.
How about some round containers in various colors? These are sure to be a hit with the kids. You’ll be able to choose colors that compliment each room. Affordable and handy, you may want to check these out as well.
Go online and research the various bins and containers you can buy for your children’s rooms. Then schedule a special shopping day with the kids. While at the store, you may just happen to find a few items to organize their closets as well.
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8:37 AM
Labels: kids rooms, organizing
Fun Things To Do Outside When It's Cold
My Mom says you can't stay inside all day and turn into a Vampire, even when it's cold outside. Here are some fun things to do even when it's cold out.
Winter Outdoor Fitness Activities
Does your family have the winter blues? Get them moving with some fun outdoor activities! Here are some ideas for you to try:
Outside Workout
Gather the entire family and go outdoors for a family workout. Mom or Dad can lead the group in a fun outdoor exercise routine. Or better yet play a game of tag football.
Jogging/Power Walk
If you’re tired of being stuck inside, get outdoors for a good jogging or power walking session. Jog around the block or walk a mile or two. You can add light hand weights to work your arms while you’re walking.
Ice Skating
Ice skating is a fun form of winter exercise. When lakes are frozen, ice skaters come out of hiding and get out on the ice for lots of fun. Most kids really enjoy ice skating too.
Snow Shoeing
If you’re tired of jogging and walking, trade your sneakers for snow shoes. Snowshoeing works your leg muscles even more because you have to really lift your legs to be able to walk around.
Many people associate hiking only with the summer months. However, winter hiking is a totally exhilarating fitness activity. Don’t forget to bring along your digital camera so you can take pictures of the beautiful winter scenery as you explore!
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7:56 AM
Labels: exercise, outdoor fun
Why Labels Can Be Destructive To Children
My Mommy says that it's a bad idea to call children names, even if they're acting badly. This is an article that tells why that is true.
Why Labels Can Be Destructive To Children
“Mommy,” your child cries, “Daddy called me stupid.” This form of humiliation can have lasting effects on a child. Whether it was said in the heat of the moment, or perhaps daddy had a bad day; it’s no excuse. Words hurt; it is an indelible rubber stamp of disapproval. Therefore, it is important to fully understand why labels can be destructive to children.
Every child needs to feel loved, accepted and respected. Using negative reinforcement to discipline a child will only yield unsatisfactory results. Labels produce negative reactions; and when used often, can become emotionally damaging to the child. Children look up to their parents; thus, there is no justification which motivates any parent in belittling a child. Addressing the child’s behavior in a negative manner can lead to a myriad of problems. The child may develop low self-esteem; increased erratic behavior; and affect their inter-relationship with siblings and peers.
A parent who loses their temper is a common occurrence. However when it is directed towards the child, who may not understand the reasons behind the outburst, it can produce devastating effects. It is vital for the parent to immediately apologize; using words which positively impact on the child’s psyche. As a parent, it is your duty to ensure the child knows he or she is loved, at that very moment, and not put off for another day. The fear and disappointment the child feels must be addressed with an apology, and/or an explanation.
Disciplinary action of a child must never be accompanied by harsh words. If necessary, take a break and collect your thoughts. Think before you say anything further. Then have the child take a time out. Later, talk to the child about why the behavior was disciplined; then hug the child in a reassuring way. Let the child know you still love him or her. Words can impact a child’s life; positively and negatively. If you, as a parent, cannot control the emotional abuse; seek help. It is the very least you can do to ensure your child’s psychological state is not compromised in any way.
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7:53 AM
My Amazon Store
I put together a list of some of my favorite books and stuff and you can see it by visiting my Amazon store.
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6:20 AM
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Rikki Tikki Tavi is about a mongoose that protects a boy named Teddy. The author is Rudyard Kipling, who wrote the Jungle Book. Rikki Tikki Tavi also protects a bird and protects the boy from getting bitten by a snake. At first his Mother wasn't sure if she wanted the mongoose to stay with the boy, but after he proved to be a good friend, she let him sleep with Teddy.
Posted by
5:42 AM
Labels: Rudyard Kipling