Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Story of the World- Susan Bauer

I especially like the hanging gardens of Babylon and I liked all the stuff about Assyria. It was cool. I liked it. The Assyrians were very violent. People were afraid of them. And I liked Hatshepsut the woman Pharaoh. And Hatshepsut didn't conquer any countries. And so people liked Hatshepsut. She pretended to be a man.

Alexander the Great treated people royally. He didn't burn down houses when he conquered a country. And he treated the royal families well. He let them stay in their palaces and live.

The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer

Note from Mom:
This is the book I am using to teach Caleb History. It is recommended by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer in their book "The Well Trained Mind". I am enjoying it as much as Caleb is! He often wants to read more than one chapter in a sitting. The Story of the World also has an activity book that can be purchased separately.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Magic School Bus Books- Adventures in Egypt

Mrs. Frizzle's Adventures in Ancient Egypt was cool. I learned how ancient Egyptians farmed and what their homes looked like. And, one Egyptian had a big, humongous house. He was a scribe, and he was very wealthy. His house even had an indoor shower and toilet.

Note from Mom:
In keeping with the ancient Egypt theme, I let Caleb check this one out from the library. He read it several times.

Tutankhamen's Tomb

Tutankhamen's Tomb was interesting. And, I learned quite a few things from the book of Tutankhamen's Tomb. My favorite page was the one with Tutankhamen's third coffin. It was made of solid gold.

Note from Mom:
Caleb is studying ancient history at the moment and we have been learning about Egypt. He enjoys reading about the Pharaohs.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Book Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Book

This book was cool. I read 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle books. I read them while Mom was at a Barnes and Noble Educator Open House. I ate 5 cookies! And I had half a cup of coffee. One of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles books I read was called Friends Forever Until The End.